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are coming again next Wednesday night, so I won't have to go down to the hall to see it. Mrs Barry has sold almost 50 tickets herself all ready. she is going to be the hit of the play, dressed in costume. We hunted for that Persian Shawl of Grandma Talbots but could'nt find it. so Mrs Bradner the ministers wife, gave her a beautiful imported Swiss one all silk to wear.
To day is Confirmation Sunday Mabel Colcord is one of the twenty who is to be all dressed in white to be confirmed she cant dance & Laura is disgusted, she didn't come to practice Friday night, so she put someone else in her place who will be much better, that will make her mother & father mad & they may not come to the play. she lacks common sence & is very silly.

We have got the dining room curtains up I have had them made over a year. so yesterday we put them up & you dont know how beautiful they look. they give a nice finish to the room. she admires them. I will speak of it now the bundle you sent arrived yesterday I have'nt opened it though yet. I have got enough underclothes to last me. nighties warm flannels & all so dont worry. I have the goods for that last dress you sent me unmade. also that sweater I have not worn, it seems too heavy for the house. I dont catch cold as you know. I never put on any extra wrap cant stop I use Christian Science 

Transcription Notes:
The "and" sign used in the passage is denoted by "+"