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The dress is done will send it along this week, hope it fits her, it may be
a little long, she will grow to it. very soon probably. Ma

Stoughton November 2nd 1941

Dear Doris

We are having a beautiful rain at last two days & two nights. this morning its cloudy 30° the temperature for the day. our Halloween at home went through all right. I went right to bed no one disturbed me[[,]] but they marked store windows & cars all over the villiage [[village]] no end to mischief. The only thing I feared was a fire. the officers left pretty good watch over the town. now we are wet down and there is'nt so much danger.

The choir was practicing their piece after the rehearsal, Laura was down coaching them. that will be a great success everybody says. if it was'nt at night I would like to see it. but I am no good then & give out altogether the earlier then to bed the better for me, but not always is it easy for me to get to sleep, sometimes nervousness keeps me awake till long after midnight but if I dont sleep one night I do the next one, so there you are no need to worry theres [[there's]] a good deal