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Stoughton October 29th, 1941

Dear Doris

Last night was one of our coldest nights the thermometer went down to freezing but nothing froze near the house. my chrysanthemums are just coming into bloom the house kept the cold wind away. this morning they were unharmed & very pretty. my stove & blankets though felt good in the night. to day its warming up theres a good moon in the sky so it will be a light night where last night it rained torrents & the wind blew a gale. so far we have had a mild month hope our winter will be likewise.

We called up Colcord Saturday night to see if he would put on our storm windows & Mabel answered it. he got home later & it was throug Mabel we though that he came. he is driven with work. it seemed to please him that Mabel & Doris got along so well he spoke of it to us. she is going to dance in the play they are putting on in the church but Laura

Transcription Notes:
"& it was throug Mabel we though that he came" - through -> through; though -> thought