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I got this post card from Lena. she has had a cold

Stoughton October 19th, 1941

Dear Doris

We are having a little rain for a change & hope it ammounts [[amounts]] to something. the wind is gone down & out on the porch our temperature is up to 60° two calls were sounded for fires but as yet we hav'nt heard what it was for, so guess it did not ammount to much.

I have just had Mrs Gilcher for a caller. she has not been very well so has not been any where very much. she never was very well satisfied down there where she lives. but it was his choice. she said it was very foolish they did'nt buy that house down below us as she never wanted to leave this neighborhood. she liked the neighbors & they were all very fond of her but none liked him he is a true German & shoots off his mouth when theres a croud [[crowd]] & he has a little too much liquor down, he may get in trouble some time if he dont look out. even Bill Gebhart has threatened

Transcription Notes:
We don't need to provide corrections for the misspelled contractions as they are throughout all her letters. We can figure out what it is.