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Stoughton October 12th, 1941

Dear Doris

This is a very pleasant day & much warmer than the last three day wind got into the South after three cold & chilly days oh my didn't the wind blow cold yesterday, we needed our storm windows on if we ever needed them. so this morning I put on the heat to warm up the house & it felt very good to day its much warmer.

Blanch Hammond has just called to see Mrs Barry. I thought as she came into the house I thought she looked like Myrtie & felt disappointed as we had not seen Myrtie for a long time. Percy is looking terribly but is still working. how long he will be able to keep up remains to be seen. Alice puts on the lugs since she got her money for her accident. glad she got it as she deserved it they say she looks awful old & miserable, no body seems to take to her & I don't think he takes it all from our side of the family. there are very disagreeable ones on her mothers side they are proud & haughty.