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its very hard to write with two Blanches constantly talking. I am in hopes that Bill will come so he will take this letter to mail. otherwise I would put off writing it till the coast is clear.

The fire alarm rung this morning at four o'clock for an out of town fire. it was in Fall River all the fire engines in all the towns around were called. it was an eighteen million dollar fire. the whole water front of factories were destroyed no doubt set by some enemy (German spy) perhaps.

I am glad the dress fitted as well as it did. I must begin on those others. this week. Mrs Barry will cut them out for me. she is good to do such things & knows it is what I dread. after they are started I dont mind.

Hope you dont have this cold spell it came on so sudden after our warm spell it was a tremendous spell we were not prepared for. now she will mail the letter so I will close it here sudden.
