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she gave me three dollars more in rent. 

That easy going Darling says he has sent Sidney another month rent & has had 25 applicants for that tenement. Mrs Barry says the house will rent quick enough & its up to you to see to it to get the rent. thats [[that's]] what you are paid for. if you feel delicate about dunning the Wahls leave it to me & I will talk to them, they should pay or get out. althoug [[although]] I am not paid a commission I think enough of the Blakes to work till I get what is due them. so that is that

Bill has just come home with an ice cream for us both, butterscotch about as good as any I have ever eaten, full of nutmeat. my letter was not finished so I will have to wait for tomorrows mailman.

Mrs Barry has got to go & sing in the choir a meeting to night its most time, it begins at seven

I hope you got the field grass & other things safe, they were sent after I wrote my letter, a little earlier than were intended. 

The Venies [[Venie's]] moved to day, this has been an ideal day & I hated to have it go bye. Bill said this is the kind of weather they have in Florida. he is going to spend the winter there again same as he did last winter 

Ma so good night.