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firm & have a will of their own. Percy is another one

Myrtie is having a hard time since he came home from the hospital, he wants to get rid of her, so does Alice. I hope she will find a place soon & think she may. a dreadful thing to be without any home when your an old woman.

I took what yellow paint you had left in those two thin nails & extended it with turpentine & painted the bulkhead. there was almost enough, it needed it bad.

Mrs Belcher was brought home her funeral was Wednesday. they gave out invitations to people for the funeral, otherwise they would have been a mob gone out of curiosity. her body was put into mosoleam where one could look in but not enter. she was covered by a blanket of orchids, that must have cost at least over a hundred dollars. &  will be buried in a day or two. they said it was three months before they buried George her husband, she lived a longtime after his death, she was in her 90ties. a good woman when she took & did a lot of good with her money. her daughter is the only one now left to mourn her loss. & Lilly Meade a home for life. how she made up with her after she wrote that letter. her husband Albert Meade held some secret over her head. no one knows what it was. Lilly had an awful life with him, he died at last much to the relief of both I guess. now I will close & take a rest Ma