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& she is good as ever she was & her neck is not stiff. Myrtie went & spent the day at Caretas in Wellsley. she is sorry for her but no one cares for Alice. people all make fun of her she is too high hatted like Mary Holmes Winslow.

This is another very sunny day its a good day for you folks to ride off & presume that you are taking advantage of it, go while you can I dread the winter. I have just shelled the beans for dinner Mrs Barry has gone to church.

Bill may come tonight he came a week ago & brought us an ice cream & a big bag of tomatoes & Thursday Mrs Tirell took Mrs Barry to dinner & brought us a big boquet of zinnias & batcherlor buttons & marigolds & another bag of tomatoes out of her garden, she sings in choir & lives a little way from Alice & Percy & is in sympathy with Percy.
Robbers broke into Pete McGarveys house Friday night & stole 60 dollars in money & a diamond ring. they were both gone no one at home but Jackie & his grandfather they probably knew it. we felt sorry for them, one cant be any too careful to keep their doors locked when they go out day or night. I hope you are rested from your vacation. Ma