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Mrs B has gone to church for the first time since she got home from her vacation. Mr. Bradner sent for here to come to choir rehersal. he is lost without her management of the singers. Frank Reynolds & his mother are still away on their trip but that Mrs Owens who takes his place is a much better musichion its a pity she cant be with them always. 

I hav'nt seen Hazel Drake since you went away but they will tell all about the squirrel when they come over. they told Winnie how well they liked the bathroom. & how good it seemed to them to take a bath. am sorry things have rolled up to such a high cost of living. hope this war will come to an end soon. for its such a terrible slaughter it does not seem right to have it go on at this rate any longer. one does not have any right to mourn for the dead to get out of such a wicked people who inhabit it. I am glad to think I am as old as I am. all my friends are gone what is there to stay here for but we are a long time dead so be patient. this is an elegant day hope some one calles around to see me. I miss my little rides Sidney was kind enough to take me hope he is rested & you also you neither of you did here 