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Stoughton September 8th 1941

Dear Doris

Well Kemptis came over with his bill last night. he wanted to know if I would send it along as he did'nt know the address. so I am writing to let you know he is not even a good scholor has your name Black instead of Blake & the first name begun with B then, but it may be all right, he did'nt charge much for his job if its a good one. 
The day has begun cold but a coal fire will feel good & it is very sunny so its none too cool for the time of the year. 
Brockton fair week is always cold. I guess they will make a lot on it this year, if the weather remains pleasant.
There is not much news to write to you as I dont see people or go these days.  I am sewing for a little from day to day to relieve the monotony.  I must see the Dykeman boy to mow the lawn once more before cold weather.

Transcription Notes:
Dykeman - last name of a family in their town.