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[[top margin]] The squirrel made his appearance early this morning it was the first time I had seen him since he was given his freedom hope he is happy. How is the little bunny? [[/top margin]]

Stoughton September 7th 1941

Dear Doris,
This is a nice sunny day and I do say to be a good week for Brocton Cattle Show. they usually are lucky in having pleasant weather and will have it this year. We were roasting all day yesterday. There must have been showers around us that cooled us off during the night.

The Rings are getting things ready to move out, they have been given outside settlers to the Ballantine and preparing to move some furniture over to the aunt's garage. thanks be a protestant bought their old house.

Lester's wife and Mrs. Salisbury came up here again to call and bought me another lovely boquet [[bouquet]]. They say that the Venies opposite us are going to move down to the old place below them and live with Earl Dykeman her father. they have another daughter who married Farrell he used to be our grocery man who we traded with a long time ago in the public market before we found Perdigao.  I am sorry they are going to move out they keep the place looking better than anyone

Transcription Notes:
filled in a few words missed.