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who has ever lived there before. things are looking well in the yard. my daylilly is almost through blossoming now this year everything has done wonderfully well considering the little ease they have got from me. Sidney cleansed out the yard around his little building with your help now I hope your house is so you can rest a little. the Cararas have moved into their house on Leach Street, long before their house was finished I got another card from Lena & am sending it along she seems to think N Hampshire one of the only beauty spots on the map. guess it must be, glad I dont have to live there or in Vermont. Percy will never be any better, so Myrtie might just as well stay up there. cancer will soon finish him too bad he cant die in peace. thats what they are keeping them from knowing, I am not so sure but what its the matter with Anna she seems to be in pain all the time & has that grey look. I am still busy sewing. hope you get rested from your strenuous trip north & try to rest up more. the cat is the only one who rests as near as I can see.