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Stoughton July 13th 1941

Dear Doris
Today after yesterdays rain & thunder storm it has cleared off cool with the wind in the NW shore. Been cleaning out my kitchen stove so it wont smoke its a tiresome dirty job well over. Now if it dont draw it will be the cause is in the chimney. It does seem good to see the sun once more. We had a powerful rain & everything looks thrifty. Gladys came to see me last Sunday afternoon she took the bus on purpose she said as she works Saturday forenoons. There are not many girls nicer than Gladys. She is very unselfish not a bit like her mother. Charles had a good disposition & the children took it. I told her that Myrties boy Roy married Lola the one whose husband died not so long ago. She had an awful life with him. They went to live with Roy & made a home for him & his fathers last days were made pleasant for