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for him after Myrtie cleared out & left Wallace now Myrtie is in need of a good home in her old age. they say "chickens always come home to roost" its so in this case. I dont know how Alice gets along she had'nt been satisfied with the sum the man offered her for running into her. it nearly cost her a life. Percy is failing but still sticks to his job. they say he looks terrible thin. all he takes now is wine he has no strength. Alice is a spendthrift throws away food never believes in making things over the second meal. & lives out of the baker cart. no one cares to help such people. 
Mrs Barry says the arrangement suites her perfectly about your coming & her leaving on her vacation when you get here. I hope your sprained ankle is getting well. we received Doris letters of thank you & glad she had so good a time on her vacation at camp. Jackie is still at Camp gone for most of the summer I guess. hope Sidney gets a good rest this summer, he dont have any too much time off. take care of your self will see you later 