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to get. we will have to make it now for a time we can get some of the Italian baker their bread is all right very light & spongy good enough for any one.

Laura Gebhartd is going on a vacation & wants me to take care of her plants so I suppose she will bring them down sometime. she is good to take me to ride & I cant refuse but its only for a month. the radio says the heat is going up to 100° to day. guess I shall have to go without my clothes to be comfortable. I opened up my paper & found I had got it wrong side up like a darn fool.

Stoughton July 3rd

Dear Doris
We are having our hot weather now. too warm for a coal fire but we let it go out as soon as possible after our cooking is done & burn wood & let it go out after heating up our dinner. and warm drinks. I dont have a natural appetite but manage to get along on a little food my tea tastes good to me always I never drink coffee got out of the way of it. never did care for it had to learn to drink it as fathers folks always wanted their tea. 

Transcription Notes:
The letter actually starts on the second side. The left side is the end of the whole letter, which some is found on the next image. So left side is page 4.