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need the money. 
We are both of us sending Doris a birth day card tomorrow. so she will get it before her birth day. guess she will enjoy it there with the other little girls she is not bashful. 

Alice called up, their phone is all right. she said Percy was working but they would not know what they found out ailed him at the hospital. all the nourishment he could take was milk. he is still working. I wonder if he will be at church this morning. he is ever faithful to his church, sings in the choir. Mrs Barry is very fond of Percy. every body pities him Alice rules him with a rod of iron. the only thing she is fitted for is teaching. a good teacher. She has just got home from church & says Percy will not be able to come to church any more. they haven't got any reports from what they found from his examination at the hospital. he works part of the time during the week, now but he wont be able to hold the new job much longer, as it requires more time than he is able now to give it. too bad. guess they need All of Mystics Old Aid pension now & a lot more beside. Alice throws away more than would support a big family. she throws away & never eats any left overs no second meal ever. Ma