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understand how to make it out, in case she wanted to take some of it away she has mortgaged it to Bill & didnt know how to do so without some legal advice. so I said have Ed Leonard come over here to tell you about it. he is a good hones old man he wont take advantage of you. he came & did as I said he told her how to make out her paper and never charged her a cent. she was sorry for that though & offered to pay him. he had a cold & was awful short breath. he is 83 years old he said. he inquired after you & said Amy had just finished her school. they heard from Helen & saw Anna occasionally. I told him he was lucky to be so old & have his wife and children around him & not be separated by death, that breaks up the home it spoils the life of one who is left all alone. I hope you are having as lovely weather down there, as we are here for the last two days. this afternoon its only 80° here on the porch just warm enough for comfort. 

We were glad to know Doris camp address. hope she enjoys her trip as it will be a change and do her good. Gertrude is home from the shore & is now going to N York for the rest of her vacation I like her much better than I do Addie she is more dependable
