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years old, that he said had a tumor she went to a specialist who told her that she was going to have a baby & was three monts along but her Dr still stuck to it that it was a tumor. he must have a deranged mind. his heart has given out, so perhaps he is a morphine fiend. he used to take liquor. he doctored me for something I never had & Dr. Brides told me that collapse of the nerve was the trouble. 

The Ballantines are down to cape cod. this is good shore weather we used to go down to Onset if it were possible to come home nights I should be satisfied to go but the water never looked good to me after four O'clock in the afternoon. We heard by the way of Elizabeth Southworth who belongs to the Twilight Club. it seems they were invited to meet at the home of the daughter in Holden N Hampshire she Mabel Curtis sold her beautiful home in Norwood & went to live with her daughter, who had an addition put on to her house there for the mother who is 82 years old. the daughter married a man by the name of Holdsworth who had two sons. one son was a noted Biologist who got a big prize in Harvard, a trip to Spain with expenses paid. Ma

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