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Stoughton June 18th 1941

Dear Doris. We are having nice June weather this week nothing one can complain of these days, our showers Sunday night, cleared the atmosphere. certainly this is growing weather. the house shut up is much cooler than exposed to hot air which we havent had much of so far. I am on the porch a great deal so when I come in for a change I can see a great difference. am getting so to be on my feet I find it very difficult. my leg is getting very useless but ought not to complain if the ache dont set in. I am glad you can ride off so much. have a good time while you can. I dont seem to have any desire to go to places (guess I must be getting old.)

Mrs Barry has gone to Boston to day. she called up Barbara Marden to ask her about her mother. she wants to go up to see her before she goes. her daughter says Saturday they are moving. she says her mother cries she is very sad to hink [[think]] of going. but the train service here is very poor & besides he is the kind of man who dont want to depend on the wife