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Stoughton June 11th 1941

Dear Doris

We have been freezing up here and you roasting down your way. Sunday was very humid then ended in showers around us. then the wind did lots of destructions around us I heard. it has blown ever since which has made cold weather up to last night. now its been very cloudy & its made milder weather so now we expect hot weather again. no wonder our hospitals are crowded with sick patients. Coreta has been in one this is the second week she is doing well I guess Mrs Barry will go in next week to visit her. I dont believe in going too soon to tire her. there was a crowd of four went in last week & stayed two hours. they tired her all out. I should think they would know better. people are selfish & don't care.

I had my oil tank filled up before oil went up Murphy told us not to worry about coal as they had a good supply on hand & it would be all right for two months more. he would look out for me & let me know in time as I was one