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of his good customers & always paid him. I guess every body dreads the winter & is worried about keeping comfortable as oil will be scarce. but theres no need of borrowing trouble before it comes. those who have passed on are the lucky ones & I envy them.

I am now enjoying my roses they are blooming freely but its been so cool I havent seen any rose bugs on the old fashioned white rose yet. my bosault bushes under the front windows were never any more beautiful. the severn [[seven]] sisters are just beginning to blossom. next will come the cabbage rose then the rambler. so my yard will be worth seeing  it is now. I am not putting out my house plants many of them its been too cold & have not been able they look better insid where I can see them out side my peonies are blooming. there is a white one it looks lovely there are four large blossoms on it a pink one is beginning to open my old fashioned red that came from the old Grandmarm Capens blossomed memorial I picked it off for some one to take to the cemetery. a good many years old I have always preserved it. no knowing what will become of it later. 

I sent your check today.


Transcription Notes:
Seven sisters - a rose where the petals have a variety of colors on them like, rose, mauve, pink...