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in boquets up there, as Helen Farrel & Ethel said the wind was so strong they would blow over if they were'nt tied down. I enjoyed seeing them very much & if I had gone in the forenoon should have missed seeing them. they seemed so happy they must be getting along well togather, hope so. they were very faithful to their mother in her trying sickness.

Louie Dightmans death seemed sudden but the last time he was here he had that grey look. he told us about his bleeding, that was caused by the hardening of the arteries so the blood could'nt flow off in the natural way. he was praising pa & telling how much he did for them when the family were living at home. he said they would have starved if it hadnt been for Pa. he said next to his father & mother we came next in his affections for us & he always felt like doing work for nothing