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They were invited to "Emilies" for lunch, who that is I dont know Helen looks nice, she is very lady like in appearance & is still teaching. Ethel not as good looking. but they inquired of you both of them. & seemed happy, also free from care. we had some nice strawberries for our dinner we thought of what you said about yours being dried up & no larger than peas down there. this was our second lot & they were very good & sweeter than the other lot we had. We are looking for Bill tonight.  Ma

Alice has refused twenty five hundred dollars she wants more. they want to settle with her. she may not get as much as she wants. looks awful she is a spendthrift, & dont pay her debts

Stoughton June 1st 1941

Dear Doris

I wonder if you are on your Sunday picknic hunting fossils as usual. we are at home freezing its a stormy day with no sun our outside windows are taken off, so we feel the dampness & chill of the storm

The Ballentines are down on the cape over Sunday they are coming back home today. Addie did not want to go but Gertrude did. their men roomers are away over Sunday. they decorated Thursday their lot is in