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doctor said he did'nt see how she stood it so long as she did. its a wonder if she ever recouvers from it. gangrene may set in. they have her with her feet up & water pouring through to cleanse her. not a very encouraging prospect for a new bride. she was going to move to Wellsley the 1st of June where he bought a house. Barbara goes with them to live. her man has a good position in Washington. he is fifteen years older than Barbara she comes into the Marden property in three more years. very smart girl can do anything.

Hugo was very lucky to pass on as he did. try to look at it that way. no home & no health. dieing is not the worst thing that can happen in these days. I am glad my children passed on as they did this country is ruined. by the end of another four years what will it be? I hate to think. we should never been in this war no one but a fool would have had us there. Lindburg was right keep out of it. I dont feel that it will last long but we are ruined now.

We are going over to Aunt Fannies party they will come after us by three O clock I am going to give her a cake she made