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occupy my time. What do you think of the Presidents criticism of Lindburg isn't it ridiculous? I have ordered my coal this morning in spite of the strike, which according to the radio isn't yet over. They are going to give it this week to their customers at the old price $14 a ton. So its well to take things in time. (Darn these old strikes.)

The next thing we know they will tax us for the air we breathe.

I wish you might see our red bud tree, it is in its prime, the wind storm didn't spoil it, the branches got broken off, this year is doing fine much better than common.  everywhere the foliage has changed since our rain, we should get another in order to make use for such a dry spell during this month. the poor fire men have had a hard time all the spring. they even went to Brockton to help them out in their trouble, all the towns around were there helping them in their terrible disaster we are having every thing these days even war. I say let those who began this war end it. why should we get into it?


Transcription Notes:
Don't put capitals in transcription if not there.