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check up at the Hospital. now she is getting along all right, much to their satisfaction. their in hopes that in time, she will be all right. it takes a long time to get over a spinal injury. Careta will never get over hers, caused from lifting her mother so much the bones seperated, she is in no condition to get married. her marriage will be the 17th of this month. she is going to be married in the Universalist Church and expects a big turnout (her father was a minister.) afterwards she is going to fly in an air plane to Norfolk Virginia. then in June she is letting her house here & going to live in Wellsley & take Barbera with her. he is wanting to get away from Stoughton where the train service is better. he has been staying with Doctor Ewings nights. he is very much in love with Careta & has waited a long time to get his divorce. 

I am sure its to be hoped that Hugo will get well if he is anxious to. his life is all before him although theres not much to look forward to these days dont you worry we none of us go 'till our time comes. & then our going is brought about. it rests with the Almighty. hope you are all over the measles in your family. Ma

Transcription Notes:
Alice was in a car accident and hurt badly. Careta - a woman often mentioned in letters