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Stoughton March 22nd 1941

Dear Doris

The days are sunny but nights are cold This morning the thermometer registered 30° it is cold for the time of the year. the only flowers up here, are my little snow drops, trees are not started yet, a very backward cold spring. people are coming home from Florida. three Stoughton families. they all report it cold. 

There are lots of accidents these day we cant be too careful. I was here alone & threw off the night lock thinking it a good time to empty my ashes so went out with two pails of them as I came in I put the lock on again there was my apron that was very dirty so after washing it I stepped out onto the porch to hang it on the line and there came a gust of wind & the door closed it left me out in the cold what to do then I did'nt know so I travelled down to Pete McGarvey's & told Mary of my predicament so she right away telephoned