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Stoughton March 14th 1941

Dear Doris

The weather is very pleasant overhead but the snow is underfoot still with us but melting water stands in puddles in the front walk our only path. I was hoping it would melt faster for tomorrow I suppose the oil man will come with more oil & he will have to wallow though deep snow to get into the back entrance to deliver our oil. we have cold nights & mornings & no rain or fogs to take away our snow. it is certainly a very backward spring. seems more like February except when the sun is shining in the middle of the day. I think of you a lot & wish you a more comfortable time. if she gets over her fever she wont feel so sick, I felt the worst when coming down than I did all through them. that is the fever part. dont worry she is a good strong healthy child, if she gets throug [[through]] without anything else, she will be all right in a weeks time I took the teacher & Alice when they had them up to Sues do you remember 

Transcription Notes:
Please use &, not + =had to reopen to fix what reviewer didn't.