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[[top margin]] Sunday afternoon it has begun to snow again. they say the storm was really heavy in New York also New Jersy & Virginia so guess you must have had a taste of it down there. hope it goes as fast as the other one did. its very slippery here the rain & sleet made it very dangerous for traveling. Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton March 8th 1941 

Dear Doris

This is a terrible stormy day. it began to snow before I was out of bed this morning & now its ten or twelve inches deep & the snow has turned into sleet & bids fair to be very bad going. two little boys have been here to shovel me a path to the front door, so now one can get out to the street at least. I hope this will be our last snow of the season.

There is nothing else to do so to write the letter gives me a chance to think of something else besides the weather. the snow plow is just going by they have a new sidewalk plow & as soon as one gets a path the plow comes & blocks the lower part of it so one has to climb up a steep snow bank in order to get into the street.

The wind has come up. it may clear off cold as the radio says. this has been a very bad month so far, we have had cold & windy weather will we ever get spring we shall be glad to welcome it. Tomorrow the churches have a union service at the Episcopal church. Mrs Barry is to sing a solo, last night she went down to practice in the