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Irma & Gladys took us to Mamie Waleses many times & to the funeral. 

Our snow holds on. we have been having zero weather for two days, up to last night, when the weather in the night grew warmer. today its very much warmer its 20° above this morning. 

Yesterday fore noon I had a letter from Ella Southworth. she & her sister Isabell the one who married Forestell Farrington used to be old schoolmates of mine. (Drake girls) they used to come from Dry Pond. Luella was Frank Southworths wife, she was Superintendent of the Old burying ground & did a wonderful piece of work in burial ground brought it into shape. very smart. it seems she had a shock she had it a year ago last November, has not been dressed since but sits in an arm chair in night dress rolled in blankets. cant get from bed to chair with out aid, says her right hand is crippled & its hard to write. she was born the same year that I was, June after mine in February. her son Dallas died & also the daughters husband. they live in Avon guess they are very poor. she said she dreamed of me the night before & wanted to know all about my affairs, how many children & grand children were living & if I were able to be about & do my work, I pity her. too bad her shock hadn't taken her. hope your are better & over your colds Ma 
15° above Saturday morning