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Mrs Barry has just brought me some Noxvomica to to take before eating my dinner. We have a roast of Veal as tender as a chicken, tomatoes, string beans, potatoes, & baked indian pudding with cream. I don't feel very hungry, wish I did so it wont make me sick for shant eat enough. I have a lot of candy to get rid of that is to be taken sparingly which I shall do. 

Cant you take life easy until you get over your lameness? it pays in the end. let your work go. its the ambitious ones who get used up in life. Lena gave me a nice handkerchief & a pretty x mas card. in cards I had over thirty in all. I never send any. Mrs Barry gave me a pretty blue sweater. I never gave her anything. not even a card

Transcription Notes:
nux-vomica is a plant used for diseases