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Office B.R.F.+A L.
[[?]] S C.
Septber 12th,1868
1st Lt [[?]] Stone,
Sub Asst. Comr
I have the honor to enclose a paper handed to me, giving an account of the shooting of Danice Jones, freedman, by Willis Crafft, White, while in [[?]] his own house, near Laundsville, one night in the early park of this week. No arrest [[underlined]]
  In the evening of the 9th, Mansfield Cal [[?]]
(col) was locked into a store here, the C H, + on a charge of theft, given over a hundred lashes by John Thomas + That Quasles, white, no complaints[[Underlined]] [[?]], [[?]] fear.
   On the night of the 10th an attack was made by about [[?]] white men, unknown, on four houses occupied by freedmen in another part of the country,+ several shots fired; the free people is [[?]] only by flight from their assailants, whose
declared purpose was to hunt down the Radicals. of course, although the parties disturbed are now living in the greatest trepidation, being in momentary fear of their lives, nothing whatever has been done to discover who the wrong doers are.
In the case of the two murders recently