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Johns, Island S.C.
Sept 16th 1868

Bvt. Major Neide
A.A.A. Genl
Bu, R.F & A.L

Esteemed Sir

I have the honor to state from observations recently made I find the caterpillar has committed a good deal of damage to crops on this island and on many plantations  I would also state that on many plantations they are picking cotton and strange but true  Many complain of Freedman selling cotton in the seed or store, & I recommend to you having to avert the disaster which will occur to the government that a magistrate be appointed on this island as these freedman have no integrity to respect and with a ridged person to fill the position mentioned and with the interest of the Gov — at heart great trouble would be saved in the collection of Gov. dues is my belief & I recommend Dr. S.B. Thompson