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The Abbeville Press Abbeville, S.C. W.A. LEE EDITOR TERMS - Three Dollars a year in advance No subscriptions taken for a shorter time than six months Friday, October 2, 1868 National Democratic Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT: HORATIO SEYMOUR, OF NEW YORK FOR VICE PRESIDENT: FRANK P. BLAIR, OF MISSOURI Hon. B. H. Hill on the Georgia Riots In nothing is the unscrupulous character of the present dominant party more clearly seen than in the persistent efforts which they are making to provoke disturbances at the South, or the unblushing falsehoods which they pervert and aggravate all the details of pretended rebel outrages. Their object is to make political capital in the present Presidential campaign, and this object is equally accomplished by the incendiary agitator who seeks to alienate the deluded blacks, or the lying newspaper correspondent who inflames equally the Northern mind by tales of pretended outrages. The persistent and untiring efforts of the one are only equailed by the unblushing meudacity or the other, and any failure on the part of the first to furnish material sufficiently stimulating is more than atoned for by the fruitful imagination and facile pen of the second. Thus they are equal participators in advancing the common cause of the party - the one by inflaming the antipathies of race, and exposing Southern life and property to the hazard of the torch and the sword, and the other by embittering the hate of sections by calumny and falsehood. The wisdom and forbearance which has been exercised by the Southern people has in a great measure disappointed the hopes of the agitator, and we have less than the usual crop of disturbances; but this has only the more stimulated the ingenuity of the newspaper correspondent to pervert every petty incident and dish up the plain record of events into a narrative sufficiently spicy and horrifying. The late negro riot at Camilla, Ga., has been the fruitful theme of more than the usual Radical misrepresentation and the columns of the Tribune have teemed with the most distorted perversions of the reals facts of the case. To correct these falsehoods, the [[??]] seeking office at their hands, and make terror to society, and destroyers of safety for property and security for families, Many of the more intelligent understand and repudiate these influences, but the greater number do not. "In those very counties of Leo and Dougherty, in which Pierce and Murphy reside, I do personally know (for I plant in both of these counties) that in 1866 - after the surrender, mark you-lands were selling for $10-$20 per acre. Immediately after the passage of these reconstruction measures these very land commended and I do know that some of them have recently been sold ( with cotton as high as it was in 1866) at one dollar per acre in gold! "To have our families and our lives thus constantly menaced and our property depreciated is certainly a fearful and sad condition. Let every man in the North place himself, his family and his property in this condition in this native country, and then when he makes the most peaceable efforts possible, in a lawful way, to avert those dangers, let him hear himself denounced as 'a rebel,'an enemy,'and 'a traitor,' and guilty of 'rebel outrages,' and he will have some idea of the exact condition of the Southern whites, many of whom did all in their power, like the writer, to prevent secession, and who have never seen the day when they would not give their lives to preserve the Constitution. "Our people bear these evils. Is there any other people on earth who would bear them so patiently? Why do they bear them? Because they look hopefully to the Northers people to rescue them. They love every man North who is willing to rescue them, They want, above all things, peace. They will make any other sacrifice, accede to any other demand the North can make, to secure peace. But they can not and they will consent, by their own act, to dishonor themselves by disenfranchising their wisest and best men, and agree to a scheme which must place their wives and children and their little remnant of property under tho dom-ination of ignorant, semi barbarons negros, excited and led by a few bad white men, who have no desire but to get office at the hands of these negros. Why should they, for peace, consent to that which they mus destroy all peace?" Report of Outr We Publish in another column a communication which originally appeared in the Bunner, from Col. D W. Aiken, and a card of Capt, W. F. De Knight, the agent of the Bureau at this place. The publication of Col. Aiken's Communication we think ill Herskell V. Johnson's Letter. Ex-Governor Jognson, has written an admirable letter, in reply to an invitation to address a mass meeting at Lagrange, GA, in which he discusses at length with great ability and in excellent temper the great issue which devote parties, and which are involved in the present campaign. IIo concludes with the following words of exhortation which are equally applicable to ourselves: Fellow- Citizens of Georgia: To you I, may venture to speak without arrogance. I have received, at your hands, the highest honours within your power below. I have evinced my gratitude, by executing every trust confided to me, faithfully and to the best of my poor ability. I feel that my public career is ended, and I am unconscious of any selfish purpose to influence my conduct as a citizen. Some of you have differed from me as to the acceptance of the scheme of Congressional Reconstruction; you differed from me on the ratification of the Constitution. I regret that we could not all see and think alike. This, however, was not to be excepted. It was your right, as it was mine, to form your own opinions and act upon them. But now the work is done and all candid men should see that it is a failure to the mair; and to that extent that it proves to be a success, it is a success at the sacrifice of the welfare of our state; that those, under whose dictation it has been accomplished, defy the Constitution and propose measures and policies that lead to despotism; and that the feature of "Relief" which induced them to vote for ratification has prov-ed to be a chest and delusion. It matters not, in this contest, whether you are Democrats or Whigs- you are Georgians, proud of the glorious old Commonwealth; you are the friends of the Constitution and would see it obeyed and respected by every department of the Government; you are opposed to usurpation and cannot sanction the concentration of all power, State and Federal, in Congress so as to render that branch of the General Government supreme and irresponsible. Then, regardless of former political distinctions, let us unite together, in the interests of Georgia's honor and prosperity, and in the interests of popular liberty, and strike another bold and manly blow for Constitutional Government. Organize for the conflict; organize in every county and District; aoruse the people from fital the lethargy; arouse them not by worse of denunciation; not by appeals to their prejudices and passions but their reasons and patriotism. The stake is valuable above all earthly price : it is Good Government for ourselves and posterity. Adjournment of Negro Legislature The body has at last adjourned; and a list of the ACts passed by them will be found in another column. In looking over the list, we would all be ready to conclude that this is a "most lame and impotent conclusion" of a two months session- a most inadequate equivalent for an expenditure of one hundred thousand dollars in the way of Legislative expenses- but that we have reason to congratulate ourselves, rather upon what has been accomplished. The last days of the session witnessed the defeat odious measures- the Militia bill, and the bill for the codification of the laws; and it were well that a similar fate had befallen some more of that precious mass of legislation upon which Corbin and Moses have been congratulating the assembled wisdom of their dusky compatriots. What has been done must be suffered to await the avenging hand of time- a return to better days and better counsels. A Democratic triumph would soon put a finishing blow to the tottering fabric; and even the election of Grant could not long save it from destruction. A government which has proposed to itself no higher to offices to be filled the alien and the renegade- which fastens a set of thriftless adventurers and hungry officials of the people- cannot long survive. Hear what Gov. Perry in a recent letter, says on the subject: "A batch of County officers have been created, whose salaries will amount to two or three hundred thousand dollars, whose duties were formerly performed by gentlemen of intelligence and public spirit, without compensation! These offices are now filled by the most ignorant and unprincipled men in the community, who have declared themselves traitors to their race and their country. The salaries of the public officers of the States and Counties, will amount to six or seven hundred thousand dollars! This is two or three hundred thousand dollars more than the whole expenses of the State amounted to in former years! The expenses of the Legislature, Penitentiary and Jails, (worthy associations,) will cost the State five or six hundred thousand more. The free school system, for the education of the negroes, will require over one million of dollars annually, to put it in operation and keep it up. The police of the State, and the maintainance of a negro force in each County, provided for by law, will require over a million of dollars! The pay of jurors, the support of panpers, and other incidental appropriations, will probably cost the State five or six hundred thousand more making an aggregate of four A Double Murder.-We learn that a most atrocious double murder was committed on last Monday night, at Lowndesville, upon the presons of a white man, named Cornel, and a negro who accompanied him. The white man was from the neighborhood of Athens, Georgia, and was traveling throngh the country in a two-horse wagon, with a couple of mules attached, and we engaged in selling wool hats. They were in our village a few days before, and proceeded from here to Lowndesville, where they encampened on Monday night. A short time before the occurrence, a party of mounted men, apparently black and white, were seen to go in the direction where the men were encamped, and a number of shots afterwards heard. When found, the bodies of the white man and negro were tied to a couple of trees at some distance from each other and were perforated with many balls. The mules were missing, but the wagon and contents were undisturbed. An inquest was held over the bodies, but no clue has been obtained as yet which could lead to the discovery of the murderers. Their motive is supposed to have been plunder. Mr. Pendleton To The Texas Democracy.-Mr. Pendleton, in reply to a letter from certain gentlemen of Texas, says: "I have only time to say, that you cannot urge too strongly our brethren of Texas to stand by the National Democracy, and resist all radical attempts to abuse you. My heartfelt wish is that you may succeed in your new undertaking. We are making a last fight for constitutional liberty. and the signs of the times indicate a Democratic triumph hitherto unknown. Yield not a scintilla of your honor. There is no room for compromise. "About your being allowed to vote, be not alarmed; we shall see that Texas is represented. Vote, by all means," Virginia and Mississippi have an equal right to vote. Virginia never lost her status in the Union, and Mississippi has been refused representation because she voted down the negro constitution. Fall and Winter Stock. - Messrs. Fowler and McDonald announce to our citizens that they will open an entire new stock of Fall and Winter goods on Thursday next, the 8th inst. Their stock embraces every variety of dress goods, gents furnishing goods, fancy articles, cloaks, shawls, boots and shoes, furs, clothing, &c.- The stock has been purchased by Mr. J.W. Fowler, with his well known skill in the New York market and we are sure that in quality, style and prices it will give satisfaction. Call and examine for yourselves. [[ad]]Opening of Fall and Winter Stock. Fowler & M'Donald Respectfully inform the citizens of Abbeville District that they will have open for their inspection by next Thursday, 8th Oct., their entire stock of DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FANCY ARTICLES, NOTIONS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, FURS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, FANCY BASKETS &C. As to quality, style, beauty, price, &c, we leave our customers to judge for themselves, All are asked to come and examine as we charge nothing for showing goods. Our motto is: "Quick sales and short profits." ][image of hand with finger pointing]] TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Respectfully, &c., JAS. W. FOWLER, MATTHEW McDONALD Abbeville C.H. October 2, 1809, 53,tf [[/ad]] WHITE, SMITH & CO. Are daily receiving large additions to their Fall and Winter Stock, which in a few days will be Complete in every Department. They will keep constaetly on hand a supply of BAGGING, ROPE and TWINE. ALSO COTTON TIES. WHITE, SMITH & CO. Oct. 2 1868, 23 tf Just Receieved, A lot of the well-known "Arrow Tie." GROCERIES! PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY &c. THOS. EAKIN Would respectfully announce that he is now receiving his FALL SUPPLIES of GROCIERS and PROVISIONS, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, SHOES, HATS, &c., which have been purchased for cash by an experienced buyer. He hazards nothing in saying: that he can sell as cheap as any Merchant this side of Charleston. His motto is, in fact, "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." The Stock was purchased in Charleston, New York, and Baltimore, and embraces everything usually kept in a FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE. The attention of the trading public is respectfully invited to the following via: [[?]]