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D.46 (Hd.Qurs 2 Sub Dist. SC) 1868
Office Bur RF&AL
Abbeville S.C. Oct 7. 1868
D 358 ASCS 1868

De Knight, W.F.
Relative to the shooting of Mr James M Martin on the 5th inst., understands that the verdict of the Jury of Inquest was that he was murdered by some persons unknown. The assassins were seen by a colored man who was with Mr Martin at the time.
Thinks one or two detectives could readily discover the murderers. For prudential reasons withholds many significant facts.

Rec'd (Aiken SC) Oct. 9 1868

Head Quarters 2' Sub Dist
Bur R.F. & A.L.
Aiken S.C. Oct 9 1868
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Maj H. Neide, A.A.A.G. with the recommendation that the subject matter of this communication be referred to His Excellency Gov. Scott for such action as he may deem necessary.
William Stone
1 Lieut 45 Inf.
