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Office B.R.F. + A.L.,
Abbeville, So. Ca.,
October 4th, 1868.

1st Lieut. Wm. Stone,
Sec Asst Comr.


Relative to the shooting of Mr. James M. Martin: Member of the Legislature, on the 5th inst, referred to in my communication of yesterday, I understand the finding of the Jury of inquest was to the effect that he was foully murdered by some persons unknown. The assassins were seen by a colored man who was with Mr. Martin at the time, driving team for him, he being a mule back. The farmer was made to drive ahead by the murderers who had stopped Martin. Shortly after the reports were heard, when, on someone going to the spot, the victim was found in a dying condition.

Before Mr. Martin returned from the Legislature, it was reported to me by certain parties that certain others had been heard to say, either that they would kill him themselves, or that he would be killed before or after he got home. From an abundance of weighty reasons, I feel sanguine that one or two Delegates - good ones of course - supported by an