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towards him. This may be better understood by the perusal of the following account of the swindling and embezzlement and misappropriation of Government property by Perry's predecessor in office C.S. Allen. 

First. Appropriating the proceeds of eleven bales of cotton the property of John A. Partlow, Wm Talbot, and certain freed people at New Market Abbeville District.

The history of this transaction is as follows: - there was a difficulty existing between John A. Partlow (who owned the place) and his overseer Wm Talbot, an execution had been issued against Partlow's interest in the crop (then undivided:) complaint was made by the freedmen interested. to Allen, and with the advice of Mr. Gowan, counselor, Allen took charge of the crop, for the protection of the freedmens portion. An agreement was then entered into to the effect, that when the cotton was ready for Market, Mr Allen, should settle the affairs; giving to the sheriff Partlow's portion, to Talbot, the overseer his portion, and to the freedmen their portion. and that none of the cotton should be shipped until then.

When the cotton was shipped Allen, went to the consigners Willis & Chisolm, of Charleston So. Ca. and had an immediate sale of the same, and took the proceeds thereof and left the State. There is a receipt of Talbot's, for the cotton on file in the office of the Bureau at Abbeville, which is said to be a forgery. Allen, left word at Abbeville that he would return