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Office Sub Asst. Courier.
Sub Dist. of Aiken
Aiken S.C. Jan 17, 1869
Bv't. Maj. H. Neide
Charleston, SC.

I have the honor to invite your attention to the following extracts from communication of 11th inst. force Mr. C C Perry agent at Abbeville C.H.
I have called upon Mr. Perry for a complete report in regard to Mr. Allen's administration but until it is received, I would suggest that measures be taken to withold his final payment until he shall have satisfactorily explained his course while on duty at Abbeville.

If Mr. Allen received money for school purposes or was authorized to contract debts for labor, it is without the knowledge of this office. -

Transcription Notes:
Through research, I found that there is an area in South Carolina called "Aiken," so it was safe for me to assume that that was what was listed in the header. "Major" could be "mayor"