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Winnsboro. Oct. 5th, 1869

Maj. Deane,

Dear Sir,

Yours of the 4th is received, and I am very thankful for the encouragement it gives, I forward these four lines to correct a mistake in the amount which was fifty dollars instead of thirty (as I read yours). The twenty dollars expended was out of my own pocket (as the work needed to be done then and there was our money to do it) and I am not able to loose it. You seemed to infer that the twenty dollars had already been furnished from some other source.
Yours very truly,
A.D. Francisco           

Transcription Notes:
A.(Ashley) D. Francisco had been a teacher before the war. Enlisted and was stationed in Newbern, S.C. Sometime after the war he was employed for two years by the Presbyterian Freedman's Bureau of New York to start schools for the colored people in the south.