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Office [[strikethrough]] Disbursing Officer, [[/strikethrough]] Sup't Education
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
South Carolina.
[[strikethough]] Charleston, [[/strikethrough]] Columbia S.C., July 31st. 1869.

Brevet Maj. Gen'l. O. O. Howard, U.S.A.
Commissioner, Bureau R.F and A.L.
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to request information upon the following point
shall I take up upon my Property papers the Teachers Home, lately built for the Wallingford Academy in Charleston s.C. - also the addition to the Teachers Home at the Avery Institute Charleston - and the Teachers Home built at "Good will" Church and School in Sumter County, S.C. which was built out of a portion of the $1000 00 - which you directed to be expended upon the plantation of J. J. Knox, Esq.?
I am, General
Very Respectfully
Your Ob't. Servant
Edw. L. Deane
Ass't Sup't of Ed'n. S.C.

L.B. 239. So Car. 

Transcription Notes:
tr - L B is Letter Book