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Columbia. SC.
Aug. 2nd 1869

South Carolina

Deane E.L.
Ass't Sup't Edn S.C.
Forwards List of surplus property — borne on his Returns" — in compliance with orders from the Ch'f Q'r M'r. B R F & A L.

B.I 62. "S" So Car.

1. Enclo.

[[stamp]] BUREAU OF R F & A L AUG 4 1869 C.Q.M. [[/stamp]]

E.B. 1038 Vol 1. 1869

War Dept. B R F A L
Office Chf Qr Master
Washington, Aug 4 '69

Respectfully returned to Maj. Edward L. Deane, Asst Supt Ed. B R F A L. Columbia, SC., with list within referred to enclosed., Attention is invited to order for Sale endorsed thereon.
The newspapers designated for official advertising in the State of South Carolina, are the South Carolina Republican, Charleston, and the Darlington Southerner, Darlington. Should it be deemed necessary to give notice by advertisement in this case, Major Deane will give thirty (30) days' notice in one of these papers by six (6) insertions on consecutive days. If, however, notice by advertisement is not deemed necessary, then ten (10) days' notice by posters, will be sufficient. 

The attention of Maj. Dean is invited to the regulations of the War Dept. relating to newspaper advertising, &c. published Jany 1. 1865, and July 1, 1869.

By Command of
Bt Maj Genl O O Howard
Henry M Whittelsey

[[stamp]] Hd. Qrs. B. OF R.F. & A.L. Rec'd AUG 7 1869 South Carolina. [[/stamp]]   

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-24 20:47:12