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The State of South Carolina }
Colleton County             }

Maj Genl O. O. Howard
Commissioner of Bureau of R.F. & A.L. 
Washington D.C.

The Humble Petition of the undersigned citizens of the Town of Walterboro' Respectfully sheweth: That there is not now, nor has there ever been established in this County, — as far as is known to them, — a School for the instruction or education of colored children. That the number of that class of children in this town who would probably take advantage of such means, if a school were established here, would be probably not less than two hundred. 

That in view of these facts and of the importance of the subject Your petitioners respectfully and earnestly pray: That an appropriation may be made for the purpose of [[strikethrough]] purchasing a suitable lot and for [[/strikethrough]] building a suitable School House in this town for the use of colored children and as in duty bound they will ever pray &c,

A. C. Shaffer Clerk of Court and late Agent BR.F. & A.L. }
John K. Terry Shff. CC
William. A. [[Driffle? Friffle?]]
Member Genl Assemby C. Court 
J. W. Klein. Chairman County Comr 
John W. Burbridge County Auditor
J. K. Linder Magistrate
Jesse S. Craig Probate Judge 
C. [[Witsell?]] Magistrate 

Transcription Notes:
edited; changes and corrections ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-24 21:13:49