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IB 785

Belton. S.C. Oct 27th 1869

Major E.L. DEan- Dear sir
I have received your letters dated. Sept. 25 And return you my sincere and humble thanks for the favorable remarks in the same. Now. We the Colored People of Belton and vicinity are very poor and almost destitute. We are now using an old Barn for a school house and our Teacher is complaining very much of such a chance to manage a school And if we could get a little help we could soon have a house that would answer well for Public Worship on Sabbath and be a commodious School House to occupy between sabbaths - We have made out and bought the frame of a House 30 ft. wide and 40 ft. long now what we need is covering weather boarding and floor which we are not able of ourselves to procure if we could only get said House covered and weather boarded we at present would occupy it on the ground till we could get it floord - Now be it distinctly understood that this House is for our School House. We have a famous teacher and for his accommodation and the success of our School we are thus 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-24 21:26:32