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No. 2

allow a sectarian feeling keep out christian dealing — How the love to have a finer church, a spirit of ostentation and pride draws the heart off from that pure worship which must be in spirit as "God himself is a spirit".

The moral and spiritual welfare of this people is as dear to me as the book-learning we strive to give; it is a part of the education we must give if we understand our true mission! and I would not lay a shadow in the way of their advancement.

Looking with an unbiassed mind does it not seem, that if you help build the Methodist, other denominations will make similar appeals — and I think, could make as fair promises.

There is one other objection — the lot they own is very near the Aiken Hotel, where hundreds of Northern invalids seek quiet & repose — and a school so near would create dissatisfaction.

I am sorry very sorry to be compelled to write so unfavorably for them, but think it right you should know our side. We are here & I know the people well — Our school, last year, had the

Transcription Notes:
Edited: per SI ignore indents, filled in blanks, changes and corrections ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-24 20:17:20