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seeking to do His will as it was manifested on her own mind — strong and faithful to every conviction of right—, raising her voice against all wrong, all oppression — bearing much "persecution for righteousness sake" — yet, with all her mingling with the multitude never loosing the christian graces - the Christ-like spirit — the pure womanhood which God gave her.

When the world reaches her stand point History will place her where she belongs.

If this letter is not an intrusion, & it were not presumption — I would like to have one of thy pictures — for myself — and the children, whom I should teach to look on it as the face of a friend.

I shall write to Major Deane Supt. of Schools. our opinion about going into the Church.

Begging pardon for all that is unofficial & hoping to be excused for trespassing on thy time — I am 
Truly, Thy friend
Martha Schofield

"S." 175. O.O.H.  Vol. 1. 69. Aiken. S.C.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-24 17:07:57