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Hallettsville Aug. 9th
Rev. Joseph Welch Supt. of Schools

Dear Sir:
I again present you with one of my simple epistles in reference to the following.  As you are aware of this difficulty, brought against me in April last for that of whipping a female pupil, with over severity as is represented, was tried at the County Court, and ordered to pay a fine of fifteen dollars & costs making a total of $38.50.  Mr. Foster paid a part in county receipt and secured for the balance, that it should be paid at another time -- Now is it a fit matter that I should be taxed for nothing whatever, but I asking a school fee from the Mother of this child, said child living with a Jew. Then after an ellapse of six weeks the mother of this child was prompted by this man for to cause my arrest.  These quotations are in strict conformity with this scurrilous transaction.  A. H. Foster will tell you the same as the Counsel, who pled in my favor --

A Jury of such rascals, monopolize this court and just whatever, they think is made a law.

At the solicitation of my Colored friends, I have written a petition to the Gov. also with the consent of A. H. Foster -- and every one in favor of any Justice.

I regret in making any remarks to you in respect to this issue, but my nature compells me to give vent to such mystical proceedings. that I shall do more, if obliged to meet these erroneous actions.  The very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and keep entire your spirit and soul and body blameless until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hugh Ames