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To Christian Workers.

450 Nassau-street, New York.

The American Tract Society issue more than FOUR THOUSAND DISTINCT PUBLICATIONS in ten different languages-Volumes, Tracts, Handbills, and cards, adapted to all classes and to all ages. These are designed by both authors and publishers to subserve the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom in the conversion of souls, and have been most signally owned of the Holy Spirit to this end. They are furnished AT LOW PRICES,that they may be within the reach of all who would sow broadcast the seeds of Divine truth.
The following are adapted to special uses.

                               $ cts.
Harlan Page....................   40
Rev. Richard Knill.............   50
A Pastor's Jottings............ 1 00
John Vine Hall.................   50
Haldanes and their Friends.....   60
Rev. Jeremiah Hallock..........   70
Mary Lyon...................... 1 00
James B. Taylor................   60
Normand Smith..................   20
Haste to the Rescue............   50
Five Years in the Alleghanies..   40
Toils and Triumphs.............   35
Hours with Working-women.......   20
Twenty Years with Colporteurs..   20
Pastoral Reminiscences.........   20