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N 5

Dallas Texas
Feb 7th/69

Gov E.M. Pease

I address you this statement for the perpose of informing the department of the condition of the freedmen school that has been taught and now is being taught at this place. I commenced under W. Horton the first agent that was sent to Dallas. I reported to the department through him. The house has been furnished by the Goverment. 

Lieut Norton made one or two reports for me. The reason I trouble you I think that those whose duty it was to keep the department advised of the Labor that has been performed have neglected it There has been one hundred pupils entered. my day book shows an average of 35 children per day I have learned 50 of them to read wright and cipher I have taught 11 months. They have paid me [[75?]] dollars in money. They are not able to clothe and feed their children and send them to school. many of them are women that have no husbands. The govement has never paid one dollar to the black scolastic population in this county If they can be assisted will you be so kind as to inform and how I will obtain that relief.

I employed an assistant and continue to teach If the department will assist me this statement is made from my day book.

Yours with respect
Matie Davlin
Teacher of freedman school