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the property.

The claims were all figured at the rate of 1.40 in making up the amounts due. The $25.00 I allowed for repairs and the costs which came out of the $300.50 and have to be figured in somewhere to make up the $300.50 due Jno. C. - about $33.00 I have put into Benj. Courtade's claim.

The whole thing figures up $1096.89- The money must be paid down before Courtade will take a step towards making a title. I enclose copies of contract and vouchers in blank. I think it advisable in fact it is absolutely necessary that the check be made for the whole amount - then an officer must go there and pay each one what is due - get from Grant and Buckly the $25.00 they are to give Courtade - turn over to him the whole of Benj. Courtade's claim and the $150.00 which has been already paid Buckly which to-gether will make up to Jno. C. the amount he requires before making a deed and then when a deed is made there should be two white men put in as trustees. The three black men now acting have no business capa-